Friday 17 December 2010

Peckham in Snow Dec 2010 pics by Ash K

A cold snowy day in Peckham, everything seems to have come to a standstills, couldn't get to any meetings no trains, can't drive, I took advantage I turned a negative into a positive to brighten up your day. let me know what you think. Ash

Friday 26 November 2010

Wisdom Trust new video trailer by produced by Ash

Something a little different from my usual style:
The Wisdom Trust charity unique way of fund raising and many facets needed a quick overview for new visitors, only 1.30secs this trailer produce by Ash / rnbtv was initially used as part of their presentation at the house of lords in October.

Monday 25 October 2010

New Flyer Design for Soul House new Venue

Hey I was excited to say the least when Chyna gave me a buzz to do design the new Soul House flyer, they've moved to the Fiesta Bar which already has a live music rep, so the brief was to keep is soulful, funky and colourful. Ash

Sunday 24 October 2010

Aaron Soul is back, new video produced by Ash

Hey I'm very excited, just finished this new video for Aaron, shot on green screen in South Hampton Aarons home town. It's a catchy dance track, get a sneaky behind the scence preview here:

Gotta say a big thanks to all the girls in the video, manager Tony, bro Delroy, Sophia, and Tom on video side.

Just finished this full Green Screen video for youtube

Check this out, shot on my mobile green screen setup, purely for youtube to help Fallen Angelz promote there new track "Better Man" let me know what you think.

Have you got a track you wanna promote?
If you're an artist with a great track, give me a shout, I'm looking at doing a batch of 5 videos like this over a weekend real real low cost to for each artist that comes on board.

Tuesday 12 October 2010

Bad news for artist on free downloading

The High Court in Ireland has ruled that laws cutting off internet users who have illegally downloaded content cannot be enforced in the country.

It is a victory for Irish internet service provider UPC which took the legal action against copyright owners, including EMI and Sony.

But it will be a blow to the music and film industry, which wants the strict rules as a deterrent against piracy.

It is likely to have a knock-on effect to similar policies in other countries.