Wednesday 7 November 2012

Recent Graphic Designs from Ash K

Steve Jobs "Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works."

I also believe good design should not only meet the client brief, but should evoke a positive emotion in favour of the product or service

DJ RP a female dj, brief was to get the balance between retaining the unique feminine quality but also being taken seriously in a male dominated industry. Logo in illustrator and composited in with main studio picture in photoshop

Lipavenu magazine advert: As An independent the brief was to retain the existing branding from the website and previous marketing material but also lift the brand and enhance it's up accessible yet market image. Main product shot embellished entirely in illustrator

Nikk Aire: Young model entrepreneur always re-inventing herself the brief was to stand out in the social media crowd. Photo manipulation, vectorised and finished in illustrator

TSOL Radio, London's premiere radio station general e flyer promoting it's "the happiest station on the web" slogan on the Internet and social media. All done in 3d and finalised with pen tool light streaks and all in photoshop

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