Wednesday 20 March 2013

Hard lessons in Photoshop lol - flyer design

Time seems to slow down in Photoshop, the program has become a legend....Over 15 years of dabbling has come this lol, using  liberal amounts of shadows, masks and overlays. Who remember when Photoshop version 5 was the big thing, this was before the CS series...

My first cut out, (didn't even know about the Path Tool)... the lasso tool was king, if you made a mistake going round an object you had to start over lol, saved only by the feather tool lol, the end result looked like something my son would bring back from nursery.... 

Budding designers, digital artists, creatives you've heard it before, my tip is learn about composition, perspective, how light falls and texture by hand first, you don't have to be fantastic just understand it (if you want realistic or even surreal images that jump of a 2d flat surface) or if your stubborn like me do it the long way round and dive straight into photoshop.

Most of my time is spent observing real life objects, and trying to get my 2d photoshop work to draw the viewer in and make it believable... it's always a work in progress, can't wait look back on these in 10 years. Ash K

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